All Deals

Good Hope Managing Partner, Eric Seifert, either participated, facilitated, consulted on or wholly managed each deal listed, for Good Hope or as an independent contractor.

ARS + Air Experts


Sila + JSP

Apex + Academy

Reedy + CMS

TurnPoint + T.Webber

SEER + Coffman

Emcor + QMS | 2019

Robison + F&L

Service Logic + Cranney

Gold Medal + Water Works

Publicly Listed Mechanical + Privately Held Mechanical

Moore + McDonald

Dauenhauer + Maeser

Horizon + Gold Medal

Trivest + Dauenhauer

R&W + Bartol

Private Equity + Horizon

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
– Lao-Tzu

Thinking about selling your contracting business? Or growing it with an acquisition? It’s not something you decide one day and then do the next. It is a process. Good Hope Advisors is a fantastic place to start asking questions and getting answers. Go ahead…ask us anything.